Medal. For the development of subsoil and development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. SSR
Medal. For the development of subsoil and development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. SSR

Medal. For the development of subsoil and development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. SSR

a medal with an ear and a ring is connected to a five-coal coal-fired capacity of 24 mm wide silk ribbon. with light green stripes on the edges of 6 mm wide. and a blue stripe in the middle of 6 mm wide. Light green and blue stripes are separated by a strip width of 1 mm. and a black stripe 2 mm wide. Avers: The sickle and the hammer are shown against the background of the oil rigs, the gazolders and the pipe stacker. The inscription " For the development of subsoil and the development of the oi


Creation time: 1980 y.



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