The book is an album. The North in the works of artists of Krasnoyarsk Krai. From the meeting of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V. I. Surikov. The directory.

The book is an album. The North in the works of artists of Krasnoyarsk Krai. From the meeting of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V. I. Surikov. The directory.

Author: Xenia Andreyevna Bulak. Editor: Anastasia Kestova. Photographers: A.V. Yezhkin, V.A. Skovorodnikov. Design: A. A. Klishcz. The publication is carried out with the support of the State grant program of Krasnoyarsk Krai "Klower Krasnoyarye". From collections of museums in Krasnoyarsk Krai. A whole binding covered with dark green paper. On the top cover of the cover, the white color of the book title is white. On the counterflaw, the white color of the book title. Paragraph forms


Creation time: 2018 y.

Place of creation: g. Krasnoyarsk



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