A document. Note to Secretary of the Satkini KPS Comrade L. A. Kozlov from Mineev Piotr Ivanovich, 21 July 1957
A document. Note to Secretary of the Satkini KPS Comrade L. A. Kozlov from Mineev Piotr Ivanovich, 21 July 1957

A document. Note to Secretary of the Satkini KPS Comrade L. A. Kozlov from Mineev Piotr Ivanovich, 21 July 1957

Paper on eleven sheets of paper with yellowish color. Orientation is vertical. Print a one-sided typewritten black. Page numbering at the top of the sheets. The sheet is fastened with metal staples. Significant markings, manure: On the 9th sheet date "July 21, 1957" and the signature of the purple ink of the director of Satkinsk Metallurgical Plant P. Mineyev. On the tenth leaf, the date "19/VII-57 g." and the purple ink of the head of the planning department and the deputy chief


Creation time: 1957 y.

Place of creation: g. Satka



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