Map. Nadezhda of the Elder Arkans, from the pack of the cards of the TARO Classic

Map. Nadezhda "of the Elder Arkans, from the pack of the cards of the" TARO "Classic"

A map with an image on the face of a naked woman's dildo-haired figure, knee-deep on a small pool of water, where water is poured from two puppies in the hands of a lady. On the right was the red flower and the butterfly flinging over it. There is one large and five small stars in the night sky. The top and the bottom of the inscription. The shirt is on a white background in a rectangular frame with rounded corners on the background of the central circular cell with an annular letter


Creation time: 2014

Place of creation: g. Saratov

Authors: Неизвестный рисовальщик



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