A picture. School No. 14 alumni. Sasha Dunaev, Anfir Sharafutdinov, Seryozha Berdnikov, Sacha Dragunov, 1970
A picture. School No. 14 alumni. Sasha Dunaev, Anfir Sharafutdinov, Seryozha Berdnikov, Sacha Dragunov, 1970

A picture. School No. 14 alumni. Sasha Dunaev, Anfir Sharafutdinov, Seryozha Berdnikov, Sacha Dragunov, 1970

The photograph captures a group of young people. Four young men in suits, white shirts and ties are standing in row. There are bouquets in hand. In the background, the trees. The top and bottom of the picture is a white field. On the back side of the handwriting of blue and black pasta. Significant inscription, poets: In the upper left corner of "9.6.70", below is "Satka". On the right at nine lines " end of the tower. No. 14 Sacha Dunayev Anfir Sharafutdinov (Sergei Berdnikov) Our team for all


Creation time: 1970 y.

Place of creation: g. Satka



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