A picture. Scene from the performance of Bugulminsky Drama Theater-Anchor Square
A picture. Scene from the performance of Bugulminsky Drama Theater-Anchor Square

A picture. Scene from the performance of Bugulminsky Drama Theater-"Anchor Square"

The picture shows a scene from the "Anchor Square" staged by the Bugulik Drama Theater. A picture of a woman and two middle-aged men. The woman is in the foreground. She sits half-turns to the left, with his right hand resting on the edge of the round table, covered with a dark, velvet tablecloth. His hands on his breast, his head was slightly down, his eyes fixed on the ground. Tight blouse and skirt. Behind the woman there is a man standing in full height, slightly tilting to the left, head ha


Creation time: 1962 y.

Place of creation: g. Bouguelma



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