A picture. Kornakov is an artist of Bugunman Drama Theater.
A picture. Kornakov is an artist of Bugunman Drama Theater.

A picture. Kornakov is an artist of Bugunman Drama Theater.

Bugulominsk State Russian Drama Theatre, Kornakov, plays in the show "Zolootindustrialist". In the picture of Kornakov in the stage image: costume, makeup. The figure of a man is bent, frontal, tilt to the left and at 3/4 of the turn to the right. Right hand holding on to the lapels of jacket. A white waistcoat, a grey waistcoat, a coat of dark color with a velvet collar, is wearing a white tie with a light on his neck. Smile with your mouth open. For persons


Creation time: 1950-е yоды.

Place of creation: g. Bouguelma



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