The book. The history of factories and factories. The Flagman of the Monegasy Krai. -Dnepropetrovsk: Promien Publishing, 1981
The book. The history of factories and factories. The Flagman of the Monegasy Krai. -Dnepropetrovsk: Promien Publishing, 1981
The book. The history of factories and factories. The Flagman of the Monegasy Krai. -Dnepropetrovsk: Promien Publishing, 1981

The book. The history of factories and factories. The Flagman of the Monegasy Krai. -Dnepropetrovsk: Promien Publishing, 1981

The book is in solid binding, the orientation is vertical. The overflight covers are covered with dark blue dermatine. On the front of the cover of the inscription with gold embossing: top-"HISTORIA AND DOUBLE HISTORY", at the bottom of the three lines "FLAHMAN CITY". Terracotta Fortters.


Creation time: 1981 y.



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