Booklet. A program and a ticket. First All-Union Scientific Conference Participation of peoples in the peasant war 1773-1775. -Ufa, 1974.

Booklet. A program and a ticket. First All-Union Scientific Conference "Participation of peoples in the peasant war 1773-1775". -Ufa, 1974.

Two-fold vertical paper-oriented paper-plates, which were cut with white threads. On the front of the front cover, there is a red horizontal bar at the top, below the number "200". Black in the name. A drawing of a cannon and armour on a shield. Round the circle the inscription "200 LET ANYWAY ON THE GUIDELINES". There's a publication site and a year down. Information for conference participants on the back of the cover. Boost labels, litter: Invitation signed by G.M. Nester


Creation time: 1974 y.

Place of creation: g. Ufa



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