The book. Weirman B. The art of the Arab peoples: (medieval period)/B. Weirman, T. Kaptereva, A. Podolsky; Academy of Arts of the USSR, Research Institute of Theory of Theory and History of Fine Arts. -Moscow State Publishing House, 1960. -197, [ 3] c.: il., plans. -(History and fine arts theory). -12,000 copies.

The book. Weirman B. The art of the Arab peoples: (medieval period)/B. Weirman, T. Kaptereva, A. Podolsky; Academy of Arts of the USSR, Research Institute of Theory of Theory and History of Fine Arts. -Moscow State Publishing House, 1960. -197, [ 3] c.: il., plans. -(History and fine arts theory). -12,000 copies.


Creation time: 1960 y.

Authors: Вейрман Б.



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