The book The Yearbook of the Moscow Art Theatre 1948 Volume II
The book The Yearbook of the Moscow Art Theatre 1948 Volume II
The book The Yearbook of the Moscow Art Theatre 1948 Volume II

The book "The Yearbook of the Moscow Art Theatre 1948" Volume II

In a hardbound binding from a cardboard, a token of dark-blue cloth. On the front of the cover, the emblem of the MOHAT emblems the image of a white seagull on the background of a stylized wave image. The memory of Vassily Ivanovitch Katalov was made. Illustration of how to do this. On the title of three stamps and the library lettings with color pencils and ink. On page 17 impressions of the two stamps and an inink library. On page 908 Ink stamp and inscriptions. 912


Creation time: 1951 y.

Place of creation: USSR, Moscow.



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