A photocopia. The Samoan Wave Board in the Pustozersk from the painting of Borisov A.A. 1898.

A photocopia. "The Samoan Wave Board in the Pustozersk" from the painting of Borisov A.A. 1898.

A photocopy of the painting of Borisov A.A. "Self-Governing Wave Rule in Pustozersk" 1898 The picture shows two typical northern Russian wooden houses in winter. The house on the left-with numerous windows, a balcony, a trumpet on the roof, a tall porch with an open door. Around the porch there are two sleds with barrels and a haystack at the back. There's snow on the roof of the second house. On the left side of it is the upside down, the barrel, the domestic carb, the hang of the nets. A woode


Creation time: 1969 y.

Place of creation: Leningrad



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