A picture. A cattle-yard with Kotkino kolkhoz them. Voroshilov. By the milk.

A picture. A cattle-yard with Kotkino kolkhoz them. Voroshilov. By the milk.

The photo shows the milkhones of the kolkhoz. K. E. Voroshilov facing the equestrian carriage. In the wooden breakfours of the cart, one horse of a dark colour was harnled. There are five flasks on the sleds for the transportation of milk. The background is a wooden construction of a cattle-yard. The daughtys are standing by the exit. The children are bandaged in their working coats, bandaged on their heads. The photo was framed by white stripes of 0.3 cm, below-0.2 cm (0.03 in.).


Creation time: 1950-1957 yy.

Place of creation: Nenets National District

Authors: Карев Гавриил Иванович



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