A picture. A tractor with a tractor. Colkhoz to them. Voroshilov of Nizhne-Pechora District.

A picture. A tractor with a tractor. Colkhoz to them. Voroshilov of Nizhne-Pechora District.

The picture shows a meadow's meadow with two mechanical haenosilks attached to the tracked tractor CD-35 (?). The Senocolites are controlled by two workers dressed in working clothes and hats. In the foreground the slanted meadow, in the background, the tall, thick willows and the uncut meadow with rare high birch meadows without leaves and branches. A dark, harned horse is tied to one of the birch. It's done in the summer. Left by white stripes on the right, left and upper edges of 0.3 cm.


Creation time: 1950-1957 yy.

Place of creation: Nenets National District



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