The book. Spinoza B. Opera quae syversunt omnia. T. II /Iterum edenda curauit, praefnationes, uitam auctoris, nec non notitias, quae ad historiam scriptorum pertinent addidit Henr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus ph. as th. d. huius prof. ord. Ienensis. A full collection of labor. T2 /Sost., pre. And a biographer. (...) (...)
The book. Spinoza B. Opera quae syversunt omnia. T. II /Iterum edenda curauit, praefnationes, uitam auctoris, nec non notitias, quae ad historiam scriptorum pertinent addidit Henr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus ph. as th. d. huius prof. ord. Ienensis. A full collection of labor. T2 /Sost., pre. And a biographer. (...) (...)
The book. Spinoza B. Opera quae syversunt omnia. T. II /Iterum edenda curauit, praefnationes, uitam auctoris, nec non notitias, quae ad historiam scriptorum pertinent addidit Henr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus ph. as th. d. huius prof. ord. Ienensis. A full collection of labor. T2 /Sost., pre. And a biographer. (...) (...)
The book. Spinoza B. Opera quae syversunt omnia. T. II /Iterum edenda curauit, praefnationes, uitam auctoris, nec non notitias, quae ad historiam scriptorum pertinent addidit Henr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus ph. as th. d. huius prof. ord. Ienensis. A full collection of labor. T2 /Sost., pre. And a biographer. (...) (...)
The book. Spinoza B. Opera quae syversunt omnia. T. II /Iterum edenda curauit, praefnationes, uitam auctoris, nec non notitias, quae ad historiam scriptorum pertinent addidit Henr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus ph. as th. d. huius prof. ord. Ienensis. A full collection of labor. T2 /Sost., pre. And a biographer. (...) (...)

The book. Spinoza B. Opera quae syversunt omnia. T. II /Iterum edenda curauit, praefnationes, uitam auctoris, nec non notitias, quae ad historiam scriptorum pertinent addidit Henr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus ph. as th. d. huius prof. ord. Ienensis. A full collection of labor. T2 /Sost., pre. And a biographer. (...) (...)

The hard binding is brown with brown paper with a picture of stripes and marble veins. Corycet with bread crust and brown skin. On the countertop, the gold embossing gilt around the edges, the beiges and the name in the center. It's a bomb-bomb. A civilian font. Latin


Creation time: 1802

Place of creation: Germany, Ian. Germany, Mr. Yen

Authors: Спиноза Бенедикт, Паулус Генрих Эбергард Готтлоб



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