A picture. The Stalinist Stalinist Way of Pervinsk secs. Chairperson of the Youth of the Republic of Moldova AND. It's from the 1950's kit. The cultivation of maize in the Kasim district .

A picture. The Stalinist "Stalinist Way" of Pervinsk secs. Chairperson of the Youth of the Republic of Moldova AND. It's from the 1950's kit. The cultivation of maize in the Kasim district ".

The photo is black and white. The photograph captures two adult men and a woman standing between them. The men are dressed in trousers, shirt and jacket, boots on their feet, and a headgear on their head. A woman in a dress and a dark jacket. She's holding the maize glove in her hand. In the background, the corn growing in the field.


Creation time: 1958 y.

Place of creation: Kasimowsky r



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