Afiish. Nikolai Mokrov. Painting. The Vladimirre Department of Culture. The Vladimir organization of the CX. Vladimiro_Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The Vladimirskaya Printing House. The 50th anniversary of October.

Afiish. Nikolai Mokrov. "Painting." The Vladimirre Department of Culture. The Vladimir organization of the CX. Vladimiro_Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The Vladimirskaya Printing House. The 50th anniversary of October.

Afiish. Nikolai Mokrov. "Painting." The Vladimirre Department of Culture. The Vladimir organization of the CX. Vladimiro_Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The Vladimirskaya Printing House. The 50th anniversary of October. A white sheet of paper with a black and white illustration of a country landscape in a stylized gold-rich box and a black text.


Creation time: 1990-е yy.



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