Afiish. Birzhec Creative Association. OAO Gorokhovetskaya Printing Works; order 1035. Gorokhovetsky's department of culture.

Afiish. Birzhec Creative Association. OAO Gorokhovetskaya Printing Works; order 1035. Gorokhovetsky's department of culture.

Afiish. Birzhec Creative Association. OAO Gorokhovetskaya Printing Works; order 1035. Year not specified. Gorokhovetsky's department of culture. A white sheet of paper with blue and red text and emblem of "Berezhts"; on a green background, the herbs of Gorokhovka and Dzerzhinsk are merged. Graphic, padded with coloring of yellow and pink colors.


Creation time: 1990-е yy.



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