A document. Tetrae is the third with a printed basis for the Class 1 letter
A document. Tetrae is the third with a printed basis for the Class 1 letter
A document. Tetrae is the third with a printed basis for the Class 1 letter
A document. Tetrae is the third with a printed basis for the Class 1 letter

A document. Tetrae is the third with a printed basis for the Class 1 letter

A student's Tetradi with a soft green cover with a green print. Six sheets in a scythe and cover are assembled into two metal staples, on the left side. On the front of the cover, in the middle, the inscription "TETRA THIRD with the printed base for the letter" and the printing liner at the bottom of the inscription "MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RSFSR". On the back of the cover of the inscription: in the upper left corner "Price 2 cop.", below the reference to the student, at the bottom of the p


Creation time: 1950-1960-е yy.



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