A picture. Cleaning of grass on the silo in the Ilinsk Sovkhoze
A picture. Cleaning of grass on the silo in the Ilinsk Sovkhoze

A picture. Cleaning of grass on the silo in the Ilinsk Sovkhoze

The photo is a black and white horizontal position. The photo captures the moment of harvesting of the grass on the silos on the field of the Iinsk Sovkhoze. Left tractor, D-75 tractor with silo harvesters "Vehr". On the right is the Camaz truck, the body of which is a man. There's trees on the far back. On the back side of the label with a simple pencil. Boost signs, marks: On the back side of the label " Assembly campaign. Summer 1984 ", Satka. Slave 16 Aug 1984 "," Tractor DG-75 with a silo


Creation time: 1984 y.

Authors: Утробин Александр Николаевич (Фотограф)



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