Printed items in the first half of the twenty-first century. Certificate from the head of the department of culture of the Krasnodar region N. G. Pugachev, Armavir Museum of Local History for receiving the Pioneer X-HM70K music centre. Russia, May 2012 (9649/12)

Printed items in the first half of the twenty-first century. Certificate from the head of the department of culture of the Krasnodar region N. G. Pugachev, Armavir Museum of Local History for receiving the Pioneer X-HM70K music centre. Russia, May 2012 (9649/12)

Certificate from the head of the department of culture of the Krasnodar region N. G. Pugachev, Armavir Museum of Local History for receiving the Pioneer X-HM70K music centre. Russia, May 2012 Printing is printed in white paper. As a part of the geometric ornament purple of different configuration, the test was printed in 11 lines: "Certificate of receipt/music center/Pioneer X-HM70K/cost of 24,765 rubles/Municipal budget/institution of culture"/"Armawi"


Creation time: 2012 y.



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