Printed items in the first half of the twenty-first century. Diploma of Armavir Local History Museum for participation in the city exhibition My hobbies. Armavir, 27 June 2010 (9649/11)

Printed items in the first half of the twenty-first century. Diploma of Armavir Local History Museum for participation in the city exhibition "My hobbies". Armavir, 27 June 2010 (9649/11)

Diploma of Armavir Local History Museum for participation in the city exhibition "My hobbies". Armavir, 27 June 2010 Printing is printed in white paper. On a green background, a stylised image of a scroll with a floral ornament of various configurations was printed at 8 lines: "Municipal Institution/" Complex Centre for Social/Service of Teenage and Youth "/" Diploma/Collection/Exhibitions "/" My hobbies ". The hand is written in ink black: "


Creation time: 2010 y.



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