Printed items in the first half of the twenty-first century. Catalogue of art exhibition Land and people. Russia, Mr. Armavir, 2012 (9649/ 4)

Printed items in the first half of the twenty-first century. Catalogue of art exhibition "Land and people". Russia, Mr. Armavir, 2012 (9649/ 4)

Catalogue of art exhibition "Land and People". The catalogue is printed on dense glossied paper. On the front of the cover on a brown background, the text is printed in white, in the middle of the three lines "CATALOLO/art exhibition/" Earth and people ". Below the collage of the paintings. Below is the middle of the white text in two lines " y. Armavir/December 2012. The catalogue presents photographs of the exhibition and photographs of the authors and their works, which were presented


Creation time: 2012 y.



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