Portrait of D. Maksimov.  Painting

" Portrait of D. Maksimov. " Painting

Dymid Pavlovich Maksimov (1933-2007) was chosen by the artist. The portrait is opulant, in a difficult turn: shoulders in turn 3/4 to the left, head-anfas. From the chaos of the red, black, green, big spots of the background, the head of a young man, with a short, grey hair, with a strained gaze of squishy eyes with eyes that hung over the eyelids, deep nose creases. The left part of the face, lit, is painted with light ochre and whiles, the right, shaded-green, grey-beige major oil


Creation time: 2004 y.

Authors: Зозуля Владимир Иосифович



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