1. At Mount Kosotour; 2. P. Anoses and I. Bushuev in the robbery workshop. Pictures of diptych

1. At Mount Kosotour; 2. P. Anoses and I. Bushuev in the robbery workshop. Pictures of diptych

The diptych is on one canvas, separated horizontally by the brown. In the upper part of (30h86) panorama: in the centre of the mountain Kosotur, on the left-pond, in front of the mountain-the factory area, away is the silhouet of the mountains. In the lower part on the right one is at the table on the table of P.P. Anse in blue uniform (back to the spectator) and I.N. Bushuev (thin-to-graver). On the left, in the depth of the room, at the windows, at the table there are 5 artists-gravers with we


Creation time: 2005 y.

Place of creation: Chelyabinsk region, Zlatoust.

Authors: Зозуля Владимир Иосифович



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