Art No1, To think about how fast the time flies! ...From the card kit WittI Malala at school and at home

Art No1, "To think about how fast the time flies! ..."From the card kit "WittI Malala at school and at home"

The rectangular shape is rectangular. On the face: a sketch artist based on the works of N. Nosov "Vitya Malala at school and at home". An image of a schoolteacher with flowers, leading to the hand of a small schoolboy with a portfolio. Behind the teacher's schoolyard gate, followed by pupils, one boy goes after the teacher through the gate. Backward side: Left at the top of the printed inscription " 1 // Mykola Nosov // Vitya Maley in school and at home // Think of how


Creation time: 1973 y.

Place of creation: Moscow city

Authors: Каневский Аминадав Моисеевич, Носов Николай Николаевич



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