Cover of WVitya Maley cards in school and at home.From the card kit WittI Malala at school and at home
Cover of WVitya Maley cards in school and at home.From the card kit WittI Malala at school and at home

Cover of "WVitya Maley" cards in school and at home.From the card kit "WittI Malala at school and at home"

The cover is printed on one two-sided sheet of cardboard and is falseted with two lateral transesses into three fields. On the front side of the paper, the left margin is white, the center field with the picture of the drama school (the boy in the knightly helmet) and the output of the publishing house. On the right margin (face in the assembled form) the image of two boys in clown caps, the trained dogs, and the name of the kit, the author, the artist. The inside of the cover is white without d


Creation time: 1973 y.

Place of creation: Moscow city

Authors: Каневский Аминадав Моисеевич, Носов Николай Николаевич



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