Postcard of art number 2 And on the threshold there appeared a total unknown discible ....From the card kit WittI Malala at school and at home

Postcard of art number 2 "And on the threshold there appeared a total unknown discible ...".From the card kit "WittI Malala at school and at home"

The rectangular shape is rectangular. On the face: a sketch artist based on the works of N. Nosov "Vitya Malala at school and at home". A picture of a schoolboy child standing near a white school door. On the right, five students after the desks are attentive to the student who has entered. Back: Left at the top of the printed "2 // Mykola Nos" // Vitya Maley in the school and house // ... and there was a complete stranger on the doorstep ... ", left at the bottom of the" Illustre "


Creation time: 1973 y.

Place of creation: Moscow city

Authors: Каневский Аминадав Моисеевич, Носов Николай Николаевич



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