The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))
The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))
The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))
The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))
The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))
The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))

The object of the obit. Watchpoint (vase with a stand (2))

A vase-girl in the form of a vase with the base of which is the base of which the external part of the vase is decorated with three ornamental stripes of different sizes and pictures.


Creation time: Конец XIX века

Place of creation: Leningrad region, Lodenopolsky p-he, der. New Soelo



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